2024 Avulsion fracture 中文 coffee - chambre-etxekopaia.fr

Avulsion fracture 中文 coffee

撕脫性骨折(英語: avulsion fracture ),或譯為撕裂性骨折、剝離性骨折,是一種骨折的一種形式,指因猛烈牽扯而導致肌腱或韌帶附著處的一部分骨質從骨頭主體分離或撕脫。 Tibial spine avulsion fractures occur predominantly in children and young adults and are an uncommon type of knee injury. To ensure knee stability and preserve range of motion with minimal knee laxity, it is essential to restore anterior cruciate ligament length through surgical reduction and fixation of the fracture. Achieving anatomic "avulsion fissure" 中文翻译: 撕脱裂隙 "avulsion fracture" 中文翻译: 撕裂性骨折; 撕脱骨折, 扭伤骨折 "avulsion of bulb" 中文翻译: 眼球撕脱 "avulsion of eye" 中文翻译: 眼撕脱 "avulsion of limb" 中文翻译: 肢体撕脱 "avulsion of nail" 中文翻译: 甲抽出术 "avulsion of nervc" 中文翻译: 神经撕脱术 Summary. Phalanx Fractures are common hand injuries that involve the proximal, middle or distal phalanx. Diagnosis can be confirmed with orthogonal radiographs of the involve digit. Treatment involves immobilization or surgical fixation depending on location, severity and alignment of injury. Epidemiology

Ankle Avulsion Fracture - Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

撕脱性骨折的治疗包括休息和冰敷患处,然后进行控制性运动,以恢复关节活动度、增强肌肉力量和促进骨骼愈合。. 大多数撕脱性骨折不需要手术治疗就能很好地愈 The ischial tuberosity is also the bony point of the bottom that we sit on. An avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity is when a small piece of this bone is pulled away from the rest of the pelvis bone. This injury is most commonly seen in adolescent athletes. Physiotherapy is important following an avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity Bullets. Evidence. 1. Images. summary. Triquetrum fractures are common carpal fractures that are often associated with other injuries to the wrist. Diagnosis is confirmed with orthogonal views of the wrist. Treatment is generally nonoperative but injuries associated with wrist instability require surgical fixation Avulsion fracture; Treatment and prognosis. The preferred treatment for closed mallet injuries is non operative treatment, using a splint to maintain the DIP joint An avulsion fracture happens when a tendon or ligament pulls a small fragment of bone from the main bone. These fractures usually occur near joints,

Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS) Avulsion - Orthobullets

Avulsion fractures of the calcaneal tuberosity are uncommon, accounting for –% of calcaneal fractures. Fractures of the tuberosity are either from an avulsion or shear-compression mechanism of injury, with the latter constituting most fractures. Avulsion may occur from sudden tension on the Achilles tendon from falling Tuberosity avulsion fractures; Mechanism – Avulsion fractures occur in the tuberosity (styloid), proximal to the intermetatarsal joint These . Middle phalanx fractures. of the middle phalanx distally and to the capsule proximally near the proximal phalanx. Bony avulsion fractures associated with volar plate injuries typically occur at

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Avulsion Fractures