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17 August By Editor | Legacy Project. Pam Golding – what a life, what a legacy – thank-you. May your soul rest in peace. Buying and selling homes while building Net Worth. Biography. Pam Golding (born August 23, ) was a prominent South African real estate developer who founded Pam Golding Properties in The Submit an enquiry. If you’re searching for property to let, or trying to find a home to rent, contact Pam Golding Properties Somerset West Rentals for expert support and guidance. With over 40 years in the industry, our experienced estate agents are able to answer all your questions, concerns or queries. Office details. Rentals Team

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Botswana Office. Submit an enquiry. With expert knowledge of the property market, whether it is house sales, rental properties, property to let, or buying a home, our estate agents have a wealth of experience, and are ready to assist you with any property needs you may have. Office details. Sales Team After completing his training, he joined Pam Golding Properties full-time and apart from a two year stint in-between working as a management consultant with Deloitte & Co., Peter spent from until working full-time in the family business. During more than 25 years in the company, Peter was involved in all aspects of the business

Knysna Office | Sales & Rentals / Letting Agents - Pam Golding