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How do romeo and juliet parents feel about them in

However, Juliet’s strong feelings for Romeo cause a significant rift in her relationship with her parents. By secretly marrying a Montague, Juliet recognizes that The story of Romeo and Juliet is one that everyone knows. Two young, sexually crazed teens fall madly in love with each other, despite the fact that their families are fierce rivals. The two love Romeo and Juliet meet at a party that the Capulets, Juliet's family, are throwing. In act 1, scene 2, Romeo and his cousin Benvolio encounter a Capulet servant who has been sent with a list of

Romeo and Juliet Literary Devices | LitCharts

Expert Answers. The parents are there to reinforce the prevailing value system, the system that ultimately leads to the young lovers' tragic deaths. A long, Juliet's relationship with her parents, particularly her father, is developed a bit more, and while they care for her, their relationship with her degrades throughout the Lady Capulet tells the nurse that Juliet is “of a certain age.”. Juliet’s nurse says she’s aware of Juliet’s age, because her own daughter—now deceased—was born on the same day; Juliet is almost The nurse recalls the day Juliet stopped nursing at her breast—it was the same day of a terrible earthquake, and Juliet In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Juliet dies by stabbing herself with Romeo's dagger. In act 5 scene 3, we see Romeo entering the Capulet tomb with his servant Balthasar. Romeo tells Balthasar Whenever something went wrong Romeo never talked to his parents about it, he immediately thought of Friar Lawrence. “Romeo, come forth; come forth, thou fearful man./. Affliction is enamored of thy parts,/ and thou art wedded to calamity”. (). In the play Romeo gets heated and mad very easily

Romeo and Juliet Act 1: Scene 2 Summary & Analysis - SparkNotes

Analysis. This scene introduces Paris as Capulet’s pick for Juliet’s husband and also sets into motion Romeo and Juliet’s eventual meeting at the feast. In the process, the scene establishes how Juliet is subject to parental influence. Romeo might be forced into fights because of his father’s enmity with the Capulets, but Juliet is far Juliet’s parents - the Capulets. Romeo’s parents - the Montagues. The role of surrogate parents in the play. The parents have important functions in the play. Juliet’s parents - Romeo wants to be with Juliet, but now that he is banished he is even farther away from her than before. When Juliet's father moves up the wedding date, she is backed into a corner because her family may find out that she got married behind their backs. In addition, if she is forced to marry Paris, she will never be with her true love, Montagues (Romeo’s parents) Helped Juliet to romance and marry Romeo behind her parents’ back. Prince Escalus (the authority in Verona) Split the pie chart below into 9

Summary of Romeo and Juliet | Shakespeare Birthplace Trust